Working hours

  1. sunday 7:30 AM - 11:30 PM
  2. monday 7:30 AM - 11:30 PM
  3. Tuesday 7:30 AM - 11:30 PM
  4. Wednesday 7:30 AM - 11:30 PM
  5. Thursday 7:30 AM - 11:30 PM
  6. friday Closed for Holiday
  7. Saturday Closed for Holiday

Welcome to Saudi Agricultural Development Company (SADCO)

Saudi Agricultural Development Company (SADCO)

as (SADCO) approaches its fourth decade of providing quality products to health conscious consumers we often look back at a proud heritage that began in 1974 and has made SADCO the largest egg producer in the gulf with experienced leadership and intuitive marketing foresight, SADCO group is poised to lead the industry far into the future out team members know that as consumers demand for more healthful and innovative food products it remains our mandate to provide all a family deserves Our table eggs process we are the nation's leader in table eggs production and we are an innovator in desgining the production process we use vertical integration to control product quality from the day old chicken to the finished table eggs in the supermarket vertical integration allows us to oversee every aspect of production the day old chicken produced by saudi poultry company are transferred by trucks to SADCO's rearing sites where they are ready to begain their lives after eighteen weeks of rearing the birds are shifted to laying sites where the egg production begins

quality assurance

SADCO poultry is fed a 100% natural vegetarian diet that combines vitamins, minerals and other natural ingredients to obtain proper and balanced nutrition. Our products are sold in the market under the brand name (Al-Sahba). We take steps at every level to ensure that every egg that leaves the SADCO site meets consumer expectations


Our activities

Our activities Saudi Agricultural Development Company (SADCO)

SADCO group is poised to lead the industry far into the future out team members know that as consumers demand for more healthful and innovative food products it remains our mandate to provide all a family deserves
  • Our mission is important to you

    Our mission at the Saudi Agricultural Development Company (SADCO) is evident in uniqueness and excellence in the production of table eggs, as we strive to achieve balanced and healthy nutrition for consumers. We believe in the importance of providing high-quality products, based on advanced technology and sustainable agricultural practices. Our mission reflects our firm commitment to meeting the needs of consumers who place health at the forefront of their concerns. We seek to provide a distinctive dining experience that reflects the quality of the product and the superior care of the poultry. Our commitment is also evident in our social responsibility towards society, as we seek to improve the quality of people’s lives by providing job opportunities and supporting sustainable development initiatives.
  • quality assurance

    SADCO poultry is fed a 100% natural vegetarian diet that combines vitamins, minerals and other natural ingredients to obtain proper and balanced nutrition. Our products are sold in the market under the brand name (Al-Sahba). We take steps at every level to ensure that every egg that leaves the SADCO site meets consumer expectations. Vertical integration gives us control over every aspect of our production process. We have our own chicken flock, operate our own hatcheries, make our own feed, run our own egg trays, and of course we manage our own farm processing plants and storage facilities.
  • Our quality cannot be rivaled in the global market

    At the Saudi Agricultural Development Company (SADCO), we are proud to be leaders in the table egg industry worldwide, as our quality is considered exemplary and cannot be compared. We are committed to providing the highest quality standards at every stage of our production, from raising poultry to the product reaching the hands of consumers. Our quality is demonstrated in the use of the latest technology and advanced agricultural practices, allowing us to achieve vertical integration and complete control over all aspects of production processes. We raise our poultry with the utmost care, providing them with the best conditions for growth and development. Our quality also comes from our commitment to sustainability, as we integrate sustainable farming practices into every aspect of our operations. We are committed to preserving the environment and providing healthy and safe products to consumers. In an increasingly challenging market, we draw our strength from the spirit of excellence and continuous improvement. We work hard to meet and exceed our customers' expectations, always striving to provide the best experience for them. Our unbeatable quality makes us a leader in our industry, and we look forward to continuing to achieve excellence in the global market.
  • Why choose Saudi Agricultural Development Company (SADCO)?

    Saudi Agricultural Development Company stands out as a leader in the table egg industry, embodying excellence and quality in all aspects of production processes. We are committed to providing a unique and healthy dining experience, supported by advanced agricultural practices and modern technology. Sustainability and social responsibility are an essential part of our vision, as we strive to make a positive impact on society and the environment. Choosing us means choosing a partner that offers you unparalleled quality in the global food market.

Success Partners

Everyone who shared the company's success with us

SADCO group is poised to lead the industry far into the future out team members know that as consumers demand for more healthful and innovative food products it remains our mandate to provide all a family deserves


Latest news in Saudi Agricultural Development Company (SADCO)

SADCO group is poised to lead the industry far into the future out team members know that as consumers demand for more healthful and innovative food products it remains our mandate to provide all a family deserves
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